This is the main branch

Pathoplexus Executive Board

Pathoplexus is run by an Executive Board, who have dedicated themselves to following the Pathoplexus Values and aiming to ensure the Pathoplexus database is efficient, effective, transparent, and at the service of the pathogen genome sharing community.

Pathoplexus believes a diverse, active board is key to ensuring the database can maximise the good it does. Our board is committed to serving in two-year terms, and is accountable to the Pathoplexus Membership.

The Pathoplexus Executive Board is defined and guided by the Pathoplexus Statutes and Executive Board Guidelines. Executive Board members serve in a personal capacity; their affiliations are listed solely to highlight their areas of expertise.

Picture of Emma Hodcroft
Emma Hodcroft
Evolution, phylogenetics
Swiss TPH; University of Basel; SIB: Switzerland
Picture of George Githinji
George Githinji
Evolution, phylogenetics
KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme: Kenya
Picture of Allison Black
Allison Black
Public health, molecular epidemiology
Washington, USA
Picture of Anderson Brito
Anderson Brito
Virology, public health
Instituto Todos pela Saúde: Brazil
Picture of Tommy Lam
Tommy Lam
Software development, evolution
The University of Hong Kong: Hong Kong